28 December, 2005
27 December, 2005
18 December, 2005
Man's Ego and Woman 5.4.60 (95 words)
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
Level 1
Woman is able to take much of the ego from man.
Level 2
Woman is unable to hold the ego of man.
Level 3
Man is unable to take ego from woman through force.
Level 4
Some men have learned to enhance their ego through pleasing woman.
Level 5
Some men have learned to enhance their ego through imposing force upon other men.
Level 6
Some men have learned to maintain their ego through pleasing God.
Level 7
After learning to maintain his ego through pleasing God, the ego of man remains constant.
--95 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
Level 1
Woman is able to take much of the ego from man.
Level 2
Woman is unable to hold the ego of man.
Level 3
Man is unable to take ego from woman through force.
Level 4
Some men have learned to enhance their ego through pleasing woman.
Level 5
Some men have learned to enhance their ego through imposing force upon other men.
Level 6
Some men have learned to maintain their ego through pleasing God.
Level 7
After learning to maintain his ego through pleasing God, the ego of man remains constant.
--95 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Walking on Ice and Water 4.4.60 (16 words)
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
It may be appropriate to learn to walk on ice before learning to walk on water.
--16 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
It may be appropriate to learn to walk on ice before learning to walk on water.
--16 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Positive Speech 4.4.60 (26 words)
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
When speaking of matters, it is well to speak favourably (with positive words).
When speaking of unfavourable matters, it is well to utilise the past tense.
--26 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
When speaking of matters, it is well to speak favourably (with positive words).
When speaking of unfavourable matters, it is well to utilise the past tense.
--26 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Heaven 4.4.60 (4 strokes)
Greetings Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
--4 Strokes
(The interpretation of the meaning of this character is provided through the reading of the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tsu as translated by Derek Bryce and Léon Wieger, and through the understanding of the story that is told within the character. Those who have greater familiarity with the origin of this character are welcome to share their specific knowledge in the manner they respectively deem appropriate.)
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friends,
May Peace Be With You.

(The interpretation of the meaning of this character is provided through the reading of the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tsu as translated by Derek Bryce and Léon Wieger, and through the understanding of the story that is told within the character. Those who have greater familiarity with the origin of this character are welcome to share their specific knowledge in the manner they respectively deem appropriate.)
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Kindness within Sickness 4.4.60 (31 words)
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
Those who have been afflicted with a sickness may be considered as individuals with comparatively less energy who predominantly inflict harm upon themselves. Within this, there is the consideration of kindness.
--31 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise belongs to God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
Those who have been afflicted with a sickness may be considered as individuals with comparatively less energy who predominantly inflict harm upon themselves. Within this, there is the consideration of kindness.
--31 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise belongs to God.
Debate between Marriage and Celibacy 4.4.60 (67 words)
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
After studying the specific, respective religions of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam for an admittedly rather brief period of time, and with all due humility and respect for each religious tradition, it may be considered that the only pragmatic contention between these respective religious traditions, and perhaps all respective religious traditions, pertaining this temporal existence pertains the notion of procreation: the debate between marriage and celibacy.
--67 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
After studying the specific, respective religions of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam for an admittedly rather brief period of time, and with all due humility and respect for each religious tradition, it may be considered that the only pragmatic contention between these respective religious traditions, and perhaps all respective religious traditions, pertaining this temporal existence pertains the notion of procreation: the debate between marriage and celibacy.
--67 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
A Clean Window 4.4.60 (14 words)
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
For a window to be genuinely clean, it must be clean on both sides.
--14 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
For a window to be genuinely clean, it must be clean on both sides.
--14 words
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
17 December, 2005
0 4.4.60 (1 stroke)
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
--1 stroke
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
--1 stroke
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Water 4.4.60 (10 strokes)
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
--10 strokes
(you may consider the 'w' as double u: UU)
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
--10 strokes
(you may consider the 'w' as double u: UU)
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
InterFaith Forum Comments
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
You can post a comment to the InterFaith Forum web log (http://spaces.msn.com/members/interFaithforum) by posting a comment to this immediate entry. You are also welcome to browse this InterFaith Share web log.
The suggestion has been made for this InterFaith Share web log to be dedicated to the provision of Concise Displays of Wisdom. In this respect, you are encouraged to post a contribution to this web log that contains one hundred (100) words or less, or one hundred (100) characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, et cetera) or less. For advanced participants, you are encouraged to post a contribution to this web log that contains one hundred (100) strokes or less. Examples are provided.
You can log in as an editor of this InterFaith Share web log at the www.blogger.com website. The login information for this InterFaith Share web log is the proceeding:
The proceeding is a description of the wisdom that guides the provision of this InterFaith Share web log. The residents of this InterFaith Settlement (explained on the InterFaith Forum web log) acknowledge, and there are those that strictly adhere to, these Universal Principles of Faith.
Thou shall not praise any other god except the one True God.
Thou shall not use the name of God in vain.
Thou shall not make any graven image of that which is in Heaven, on Earth, or in the Sea beneath the Earth.
Remember the Sabbath; keep it Holy.
Honour thy father and thy mother; so that ye may have long life.
Thou shall not kill.
Thou shall not steal.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shall not covet the house of thy neighbour, the wife of thy neighbour, the manservant of thy neighbour, the maidservant of thy neighbour, the ox or ass of thy neighbour.
Right Belief, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Thought, Right Meditation.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Refrain from the consumption of animals.
Refrain from strong drink.
Refrain from games of chance.
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throught the Univese.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Friend,
May Peace Be With You.
You can post a comment to the InterFaith Forum web log (http://spaces.msn.com/members/interFaithforum) by posting a comment to this immediate entry. You are also welcome to browse this InterFaith Share web log.
The suggestion has been made for this InterFaith Share web log to be dedicated to the provision of Concise Displays of Wisdom. In this respect, you are encouraged to post a contribution to this web log that contains one hundred (100) words or less, or one hundred (100) characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, et cetera) or less. For advanced participants, you are encouraged to post a contribution to this web log that contains one hundred (100) strokes or less. Examples are provided.
You can log in as an editor of this InterFaith Share web log at the www.blogger.com website. The login information for this InterFaith Share web log is the proceeding:
The proceeding is a description of the wisdom that guides the provision of this InterFaith Share web log. The residents of this InterFaith Settlement (explained on the InterFaith Forum web log) acknowledge, and there are those that strictly adhere to, these Universal Principles of Faith.
Universal Principles of Faith
Thou shall not praise any other god except the one True God.
Thou shall not use the name of God in vain.
Thou shall not make any graven image of that which is in Heaven, on Earth, or in the Sea beneath the Earth.
Remember the Sabbath; keep it Holy.
Honour thy father and thy mother; so that ye may have long life.
Thou shall not kill.
Thou shall not steal.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shall not covet the house of thy neighbour, the wife of thy neighbour, the manservant of thy neighbour, the maidservant of thy neighbour, the ox or ass of thy neighbour.
Right Belief, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Thought, Right Meditation.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Refrain from the consumption of animals.
Refrain from strong drink.
Refrain from games of chance.
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack
Peace belongs throught the Univese.
All Praise Belongs To God.