28 May, 2007

Speaking Truth, Period 14.9.61 (4 words)


Greetings Family and Friends,

May Peace Be With You.

Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.


Power needs love too.

-4 words

With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,

Peter Frank Womack

Peace belôngs throughout the Universe.

Good Samadhi belôngs to'ards Nirvâna.

All Praise Belôngs To God.

09 May, 2007

Mélange 25.8.61 (65 mots)


Greetings Family and Friends,

May Peace Be With You.

Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.


My heart pumps the blood of the Hebrews.

My heart pumps the blood of Avraham.

My heart pumps the blood of Israel.

My heart pumps the blood of the Africans.

My heart pumps the blood of the Europeans.

My heart pumps the blood of the Seminoles.

My heart pumps the blood of the Ariyas: Brahmins and Dalits.

My heart pumps the blood of the Mongols.

-65 mots

With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,

Peter Frank Womack

Peace belôngs throughout the Universe.

Good Samadhi belôngs to'ards Nirvâna.

All Praise Belôngs To God.

Five A's in Study Holy Scriptures 25.8.61 (70 mots, palabras, words)


Greetings Family and Friends,

May Peace Be With You.

Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.


1. Acceptance: that the Truth is actually revealed through the respective Holy Scripture.

2. Authorship: considering the history, lineage, and politics of those who transcribe the respective Holy Scripture.

3. Authenticity: considering the conventional credibility of authorship amongst history, lineage, and politics.

4. Alif Om ॐ.א Principle: learning the original language of the respective Holy Scripture.

5. 'All Together Now': teaching and sharing the knowledge of the respective Holy Scripture.

70 mots, palabras, words

With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,

Peter Frank Womack

Peace belôngs throughout the Universe.

Good Samadhi belôngs to'ards Nirvâna.

All Praise Belôngs To God.