Speaking Truth, Period 14.9.61 (4 words)
Greetings Family and Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.
Power needs love too.
-4 words
With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,
Peter Frank Womack
Peace belôngs throughout the Universe.
Good Samadhi belôngs to'ards Nirvâna.
All Praise Belôngs To God.
Greetings Family and Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.
Power needs love too.
-4 words
With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,
Peter Frank Womack
Peace belôngs throughout the Universe.
Good Samadhi belôngs to'ards Nirvâna.
All Praise Belôngs To God.